之前介紹過好幾次全日空的新頭等艙, 這次就單純的介紹餐點. 這次的航線是由東京羽田機場直飛德國法蘭克福機場, 一共約14小時的航程. 這一季的日式餐點由銀座奧田餐廳主廚所設計. 這間榮獲米其林二星的餐廳在東京跟巴黎都有分店, 主廚喜歡利用天然真鯛魚, 河豚, 松茸, 星鰻等素材創造出一道又一道的美味懷石料理.
全日空的 Amuse bouche 開胃菜
西式前菜 - Caviar, Smoked Scallop and Miyazaki white sturgeon brandade gateau-style with lemon-flavored cream
Tsukidashi (日式前菜) - Simmered Prawn and Steamed Abalone with Bonito Vinegared Jelly
海膽茶碗蒸佐湯葉豆腐. Savory steamed egg custard with steamed sea urchin and "Yuba" bean curd
Tilefish and Japanese white wheat noodles 甘鯛魚配細麵
Otsukuri - Quick-poached sea bream, bigfin reef squid, kombu kelp-cured sillaginoid topped with preserved botargo
Yakimono / Takimono - Grilled Beef with saikyo miso paste, simmered turnip in soy-based sauce, simmered conger eel rolled with gourd shaving. 星鰻味噌幽庵燒, 牛肉西京燒
Nimono to oshokuji - Simmered channel rockfish in soybased sauce
Petits Fours
Marron Ice Cream, milk ice cream and green tea-flavored biscuit
Grape Tart with milk ice cream
不是太多人的好處就是一個人兩三間套房可以用. 一張看電視, 一張睡覺用
床墊滿舒服的, 日航跟全日空在這方面拼得很厲害, 客人真的很幸福. 沒有costdown的感覺.
Midflight Snack - ikura don with fish cakes. 睡到一半餓了就點了他們的鮭魚卵丼配日式炸魚餅.
1688, 全日空特別飲品. 沒有酒精的氣泡飲料. 滋味香醇.
Japanese Breakfast - Stir-freid eggplant and bell pepper with miso paste, soft-simmered sardine in soybased sauce, steamed rice, rmiso soup and assorted Japanese pickles, rice. Dried seaweed, natto, dried baby sardines with sansho pepper.