
去年去紐約去找一間在當地頗富盛名的Pizza店的時候無意間經過這間餐廳, 當時只是純粹的覺得這間餐廳看起來很有感覺, 不像一般日式餐廳那樣譁眾取寵而且在Yelp上面的Review還不賴, 所以就將這間餐廳列為我的口袋名單之一.  當我來NYC過生日的那幾天就將這間餐廳列入我想吃餐廳名單之一.




 第一次來沒有預約Sushi Bar (因為是Omakase Only)所以先點一般的餐點來是水溫

Dinner Salad


 Sushi Dinner Set - 他們的壽司Dinner Set是廚師挑選的握壽司(8 pieces+rolls) 

(Halibut, Sweet Shrimp, Fatty Tuna, Seared Bonito, Salmon)


(Domestic Uni, Salmon Roe, Egg, Eel, Negitoro Roll)


魚肉跟醋飯的比例非常好. 雖然有些網友反映他們的醋飯偏硬,可是我覺得到還不錯, 當舌頭接觸醋飯的那一瞬間就會在口中散開. 十分美味.


後來又加點金目鯛, 還有日本海膽



他們的Miso Cod也是十分入味, 味增的香氣融入在鮮美多汁的鱈魚中, 非常值得點.




吃了日本海膽後覺得美國自己生產的海膽雖然比較大片, 可是缺少了那種細膩的鮮甜. 忍不住去問老闆他的海膽是從哪裡進貨的, 才知道說這裡的海膽是老闆當初親自回日本東京築地市場嘗遍各大供應商後找到一間品質最穩定的根室海膽 (Nemuro Uni).  他的鮮甜度跟色澤都是美國海膽所無法比擬的, 不過價位也是美國海膽的兩倍.


這份干貝也是十分的好吃. 新鮮的干貝用柴魚高湯煮一下就很好吃, 不需要太多的調味反而凸顯了干貝本身的甜味.


後來吃得不過癮, 又加點了Ameabi, Aji, Wild Sockeye Salmon, Japanese Uni


Grapefruit Jelly (Homemade) 




136 W Houston St
(between Mac Dougal St & Sullivan St)
New York, NY 10012
Neighborhood: Greenwich Village

(212) 228-4181


Excellent, Impressive, Simply the Best sushi I had in America for years.  I felt my taste bud have been elevated to a new level after dining here.  

Being Japanese food lover myself, I have yet to find a restaurant that is good from the starting to the end.  From the decoration, ambiance, service and most importantly - the food.

I by pass this restaurant during my trip to NYC in 2011 but did not get a chance to try it, so I made the reservation way ahead in 2012 along with some of the best restaurants in NYC.  This place did not disappoint me at all.  I came here two nights in a row.  I was originally planning for one visit only to satisfy my curiosity, but it was that good so I actually cancelled my upcoming reservation at La Bernardin and celebrated my birthday here instead.  I was very happy both at the table and at the sushi bar.

First night our meal was more on the safe side.  Set sushi dinner, grilled ayu, miso cod, grilled scallop (served table side).  It sure did not disappoint!  Sushi dinner is a good starter since it have most of the goodies for beginners - Chu toro, Seared Bonito, Salmon, Halibut, Ameabi (not live), Aburito tai, Uni (Farmed, Santa Barbara), Ikura, Tamago, Anago, and Negi toro roll.  The rice kernels were in very good temperature, firm not hard, with light vinegar.  It does hold when I picked up, and melted in my mouth (which is not overly sticky - that I like it very much).  Quality of fishes were all exceeded my expectation.    

Uni (America domestic) is definitely good but until I had the uni from Nemuro, Hokkaido.  Wow, that is something that blows me away.  The color, texture, and the taste is one of the best I have had, it is on par of what I had in those high end sushi place in Japan.  Sweet, buttery, something that melts in your mouth and wraps your palate.  I later had the conversion with the owner Hide san learned that he traveled to Japan and tried various vendors and finally found a vendor that have consistent quality uni that is able to be shipped to America.  Impressive.  I admire his passion to find real good food to present to his customers. Yes it is definitely not cheap, but certainly something you have to try once before you die. 

    創作者 肯尼 的頭像

    Travel Smart

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