我今年在生日前安排了美國東岸的小美食之旅. 其中第一站就是位在美國東南邊佛羅里達州的邁阿密. 其實, 邁阿密對我來說並不陌生, 我甚至有跟網路上的背包客租車一路開往美國最南端的Key West在開回Miami. 不過, 在這個充滿了拉美風情的都市內,我這次只想要做一件事, 那就是來到這間由許多雜誌評鑑滿分的Naoe Restaurant 直樹餐廳來享用他們的 Sushi Omakase. NAOE餐廳是由主廚Kevin Corey 一手創立, 他已經有超過二十年的日本料理經驗, 沿襲了日本料理的精緻, 在溶入了美國當地食材來配合, 一絲不苟地處裡每份料理確保每一份料理的品質. 餐廳本身更是獲獎無數. 除了得到了2013年Forbes雜誌五星級評比之外, 更是其他美食評比的得獎常客 (http://www.naoemiami.com/kevin_cory_biography.htm)
這間餐廳十分難定, 每次只接受八個客人, 每晚收兩次客人. 當客人到齊時, 他們將會把外面的門鎖起來, 不接受walk-in. 而且餐廳完全沒有招牌. 如果不是熟客非常容易迷路. 一般來說預約需要一個月以前就定位並付清保證金
餐廳內部的裝潢走摩登極簡風. 散發了濃濃的禪意.
餐廳只有一種套餐可以選擇. 每天由大廚決定今晚的料理.
提前預訂了吧檯的座位. 原木的吧檯相當有質感, 不輸日本當地高級壽司店的感受, 卻又沒有那種拘束感.
主廚老家自製的醬油 http://www.naoemiami.com/naoe_shoyu.htm
當地漁獲生魚片, 其中的小卷是會發光的 (他們當時有提供照片)
這裡面有用清酒煮過的海螺, 炸白身魚, 日式五花肉, 蘿蔔等料理
在吃完他們的松花堂便當以及吸物(湯)後, 接下來就是今天晚上的主角 - 壽司
我如果沒記錯的話, 這是Kanpachi
北海道產的干貝 - 甜度超群, 這是今晚第一個讓我印象深刻的握壽司
龍蝦握壽司 - 我們一行人覺得今天晚上的敗筆就在此, 龍蝦的鮮甜度都不及格.
真鯛握壽司, 上面還有一片薄昆布 - 魚皮經過略為川燙後讓魚皮充滿了嚼勁, 魚肉本身卻又相當易入口.
來自北海道的海膽, 配上現磨的山葵. 相當濃郁的味覺是一般美國當地產的海膽所無法比擬的.
這份相當稀有的壽司則是今晚的最高潮, "このこ" (Konoko) - 它是由曬乾的海參卵巢泡製而成. 一入口的時候味道並沒有像海膽般強烈, 但是那種獨特的口感一波一波的來, 餘韻更勝於海膽. 這也是主廚強烈推薦我要點的一到握壽司因為一個就需要好幾份/幾十份海參的卵巢所製成.
後來又送上了一個當地的水果當作Palette cleaner
Mystery Ice Cream - 他們的冰淇淋相當的神奇. 吃下去有濃濃的奶香, 不輸給我在北海道吃到的牛奶冰淇淋那般的香醇濃, 可是這個冰淇淋卻又一點牛奶都沒有加入 (主廚本身據說有乳糖不耐症), 真的是相當的奇妙.
主廚在料理時相當的嚴肅, 當我們用完餐後跟他聊了一下, 了解了他對食物的熱情, 發現到在他年輕的外表下, 居然已經有超過二十年的料理經驗. 除此之外, 我也與與他們店內小姐Wendy交換了一些喜歡吃的私房餐廳. 這是一個相當美好的回憶除了能吃到美食外, 也能夠跟喜歡美食的人交流. 希望我有機會能夠來到邁阿密能夠在來到這裡用餐.
I flew all the way from LA to Miami and trying to book this place months ahead to secure bar seating for a party of four. It sure did not disappoint me, rather, it exceeded my expectation and made me believe that Chef Kevin Cory and his teams are stellar and deserve recognition from others.
Reservations: Only 8 people per seating, two seatings per evening. Must do it via opentable. So if you want have a large party, this may not be the best place or you have to be super quick with your fingers. They do not take walk ins. So do not play smart and think you can sneak your way in on the day of.
Location: Hidden inside the low key Brickell Key area, parking is in the adjacent building. No Valets.
Meal: Everyone is served at the same time, There is only one menu which is chef's omakase. First course consists of Shokado bento with four different columns along with a side of soup. Each of the column consists of the season's finest ingredients, selected by the chef. It includes, but not limits to steamed fish, fried fish, cooked/simmered/stew items, seasonal rice dishes, and fresh sashimi of the day. One particular item that really intrigue me was the shinning squid from Hokkaido. Wendy was actually showing me the picture of the shining squid in the ocean, made me want to go back to Hokkaido so bad.
Immediately after the bento box, chef Cory began to show us his masterpiece of providing us some of the best sushi I have had in the States. It is traditional Edo style sushi, means sometimes chef will arrange/place the soy sauce/dressing on top of the fish when its served for you, while others you can use their home made soy sauce at your will. I liked how their rice to fish composition. Not big but adequate. The vinegar to rice ratio was perfect and right amount of sticky-ness for their sushi rice as well.
The meal consists of eight pieces of sushi with the fresh fish from either local to Japan-imported fresh fish. You can then add on additional pieces of nigiri sushi if you like after the meal is served. Some of the highlights includes but not limited to are fresh scallops. Super sweet and melts in your mouth. Homemade Ankimo, one of the best creamy texture and buttery taste. Medai with skin on and slice of Konbu. I really like Medai with skin-on, the dual layers of taste between skin and the fish meat itself is incredible. Hokkaido Nemuro Uni is the bomb, I believe all fine-dining Japanese restaurants should at least have uni from Hokkaido region because it is simply the best uni in terms of texture, size, and color (Forget about Santa Barbara uni, once you had real Hokkaido ones, you will know). The most memorable dish of the night would go into the "Konoko" (Sea Cucumber Ovaries). I was a bit hesitate to try at first but Chef Cory strongly recommended so both my friend and I gave a shot. Wow, it was amazing. Unlike Uni that gives you strong impression the moment that touches your taste buds, it was very subtle, but it keeps coming like ocean waves and gives a very long lasting taste that lingers in my mouth for whole night.
To wrap up the meal, we had fresh fruits and his secret ice cream to finish up the meal. The ice cream was incredible. Definitely worth to order a second one. I will let you figure out why it is so interesting.
The interaction between Chef Cory and Wendy was amazing. I admire his enthusiasm for culinary arts and perfection. I also like how much passion they both have for finding good places to eat! It is definitely one of the good meals that I have not had for long time where I feel touched by the overall food quality, taste, and services. I will definitely return when I am visiting Miami.
661 Brickell Key DrBrickell Key, FL 33131
(305) 947-6263